The 21 Most WTF Things That Have Happened In Scotland In 2017 So Far

    So many hilariously weird things have happened already, and it's only June.

    1. The SNP manifesto came out, and it was...odd.

    2. A Pot Noodle sparked violence in Glasgow.

    3. Barack visited Scotland, and angered everyone.

    4. Kaitlyn's nan quit her job in the best way.

    5. Someone invented "Greggings".

    6. This guy accidentally became an artist.

    7. This guy sent his kid to school dressed as the most violent character from Trainspotting.

    8. The weather was truly batshit in March.

    9. The people of Troon overreacted to some sand.

    10. This guy was a true hero.

    11. This cat literally did not give a fuck.

    12. And this man's cat basically ruined his whole house.

    13. Someone invented a new way to troll Trump.

    14. And this Glaswegian protester had the best reaction to him becoming president.

    15. Someone made a very unfortunate tattoo decision.

    16. Dennis wanted to get rid of the moon.

    17. This woman had the most Scottish start to the day.

    18. This man went to a party and ????

    19. Lewis won over £20,000 on a £3 bet.

    20. A woman in Glasgow tried to give CPR to a pigeon.

    21. And this man was hustled by the crappest muggers ever.