21 Best Arrested Development Quotes

    The new series of Arrested Development is headed to Netflix this Sunday (26th May) ending years of hope, dashed hope, new hope, speculation and anticipation. To get you in the mood, here are the 21 finest Arrested Development quotes OF ALL TIME.

    21. "I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it."

    20. "Get me a vodka rocks." "Mom, it's breakfast." "And a piece of toast."

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    ...see what I mean?

    19. "Lindsay, that's not a Vol-vo"

    18. "I don't want no part of yo' tight ass country club!"

    17. "An analyst, AND a therapist..."

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    Definitely a 'world's first'.

    16. "Who'd like a banger..."

    15. "STEVE HOLT!"

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    14. "Watch out for bridges and hop-ons."

    13. "She calls it a mayonegg."

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    Ann, the most upsetting human of all time, even when she isn't in the room.

    12. "Marry me."

    11. "CoK-a-CaW, cOk-A-cAw."

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    Gob's chicken dance is the stuff of legend, but do you remember Lindsay's version?

    10. "I love all my children equally..."

    9. "Excuse me, do these effectively hide my thunder?"

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    Never nudism is a terrible affliction...

    8. "Teamocil may cause numbness of the extremities and may decrease your sex drive. Teamocil does not cause hallucinations."

    7. "Say goodbye to these!"

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    6. "I'm afraid I just blue myself."

    5. "You don't need double talk, you need Bob Loblaw."

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    Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?

    4. "I've made a huge mistake..."

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    Haven't we all, Bluths. Haven't we all.

    3. "NO TOUCHING."

    2. "I'm a MONSTER."

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    Never anger a loose seal...

    1. "There's always money in the banana stand."