15 Deeply Strange Old English Recipes That You Won't Want To Try At Home

    There were no supermarkets in the past, but that's no excuse for eating badger ham and sparrows on toast. H/T to The Curious Cookbook and Supersizers.

    1. Cockentrice

    2. Viper Soup

    3. Live Frog Pie

    4. Badger ham

    5. Cock Ale

    6. Calf Ear Fritters

    7. Poisonous purple pears

    8. Paraffin cake

    9. Sparrows on toast

    10. Roasted Udder

    11. Nettle pudding

    12. Cheese with live maggots

    13. Heron pudding

    14. Calf's Foot Jelly

    15. Porpoise porridge

    Many thanks to the excellent Foods of England website, Mary Evans Picture Library and historical recipe site Godecookery.com