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23 Hilariously Bad Knockoff Brands

In every dollar store and Chinatown marketplace these little gems can be found. If nothing else, their efforts are commendable.

1. Mountain Lightning

2. Panburger Partner

3. Sunbucks Coffee

4. Michael Alone

5. Robert Cop 3

6. Cocoa Peanut Butter Spheres

7. My Little...Oh....

8. Dr. Bob

9. Skerpie

10. Adidos

11. Johns Daphne

12. Duracell

13. You'd Butter Believe It!

14. PolyStation 3

15. Big Americans

16. Benign Girl

17. Sour Frittles

18. Goetze's Caramel Creams

19. Johnnie Worker presents Red Labial

20. Dolce&Banana

21. Sonia

22. Cooking Spray and Furniture Polish

23. Mighty Mutant Power Turtles