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    9 Mind-Blowing Shark Facts To Rev You Up For Shark Week

    You're gonna need a bigger boat.

    1. Cookiecutter sharks are so named because they form suction cups with their mouths and gouge perfectly round holes out of their prey.

    2. As great white sharks age, they turn from faster prey like squid and fish, to larger, slower animals such as seals, walruses, whale cadavers... and you!

    3. Great whites also have "ampullae of Lorenzini," which allows them to detect weak electrical signals from the heartbeats and gills of potential prey.

    4. Though scary, sharks are spineless. Their entire bodies are made out of cartilage!

    5. Before Jaws, there was Shark!, starring Burt Reynolds. Someone decided it was a great idea to use live sharks during filming, and one stuntman was killed.

    6. The first nurse shark pup to develop during reproduction devours its brothers and sisters as they hatch. Sibling rivalry at it's most terrifying.

    7. Most shark attacks occur in less than six feet of water.

    8. Some female sharks can retain sperm to impregnate themselves for the next time they're fertile. Girl power!

    9. Pygmy sharks may be tiny (only eight inches!) but they can make their own light!

    So, who's ready for Shark Week?!