Harry Shearer's Podcast "Le Show" Is The Hangover Cure You Need

    Let the voice of dozens of Simpsons characters soothe your addled brain.

    When you're feeling like this:

    And doing too much of that:

    Draw the curtains, place a cool flannel on your gross sweaty brow and leave it to this man to talk to you in the dark through the medium of the internet:

    The now ex-Simpsons voice actor Harry Shearer's Le Show has been running for over 30 years on various radio stations under various names. He has YEARS of archives available.


    If you choose an old episode, you basically just get to hear Harry Shearer reading old newspapers aloud, alone in a room.

    Here's a scientific fact: it's plain soothing to hear all the Simpsons voices at once read you months-old news. Because you know how this all ends.

    This is just comforting noise now. Like a babbling brook. Like whale sounds that mean something to humans.

    Delight! as Shearer reads you the "Apologies of the Week" – the public apologies you already forgot the original reason for.

    Bask and moan! as Shearer's "News of the Warm" washes over you – all the new stories that you forgot to read about global warming.

    Sigh and whimper! as Shearer rounds up the "Sos of the Week" – all the sentences starting with the word "so" in news programs.

    Think about dinner! during "Leak of the Week" – when Shearer gives you the latest on some oil leak that happened during whatever week he's broadcasting from.

    FOR EXAMPLE: Here's Shearer broadcasting from a hotel room in London two years ago, reading a public apology about an affair with former Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, and a story about formaldehyde in baby shampoo.


    No more tears.

    And in this one there's a story about how you can use whatever name you like, real or fake, on Google+.


    What a relief.

    Obviously you can listen to new episodes because they're equally great, BUT their effects on hangovers are disputed by self-appointed BuzzFeed hangover scientists. Find solace in shit that no longer matters.

    Here's you listening to Harry Shearer's Le Show on Saturday afternoon.

    Thanks Harry.