22 Teachers Who Really Out-Teachered Everyone Else

    "Today I said orgasm instead of organism in front of 30 13-year-olds."

    1. The teacher who has no time for slackers:

    2. This professor who finally had enough:

    3. This biology teacher who encourages visual learning:

    4. And this teacher who truly incorporated the syllabus into the class:

    5. This science teacher who isn't quite sure what went wrong:

    6. This teacher who knows his seniors almost too well:

    7. This smug teacher who is proud of his Christmas message:

    8. The professor who takes his method approach to teaching very seriously:

    9. This English teacher who connects with his students through memes:

    10. And this teacher who can't draw hammers but is great nonetheless:

    11. This professor who is really dedicated to his job:

    12. This poor teacher who suffered the worst horror:

    13. This professor who is a proud meme expert:

    14. This history teacher who stopped class to tie together the shoelaces of a student who fell asleep:

    15. And this teacher taking the time to individually bond with his students:

    16. The teacher who spotted this amazing pun:

    17. This science teacher with the most brutal tally:

    18. This lecturer who seriously played his students:

    19. And this one who went even further:

    20. These amazing colleagues who changed the lockscreen on a student's confiscated phone:

    21. The witty teacher who wrote this list:

    22. And this maths teacher who actually out-teachered them all: