19 Pictures That Smell Exactly Like Growing Up In The '90s

    Play-Doh and chlorine.

    1. A brand new pot of Play-Doh:

    2. A fresh pack of this foamy gunk:

    3. A barely functional eraser collection:

    4. Drying glue waiting to be peeled:

    5. A drawer filled with old crayons:

    6. The smell of chlorine as you walked into the swimming pool:

    7. Warm, freshly inked paper from the copy machine:

    8. Plastic- and French fry–infused Happy Meal toys:

    9. The sickly bubblegum scent of this stuff:

    10. And the artificial banana version:

    11. These rubbery figures straight out of the packaging:

    12. A collection of pencil shavings:

    13. The fleeting smell of scratch 'n' sniff stickers:

    14. The inside of your favourite VHS movies:

    15. And walking into a Blockbuster:

    16. Afternoons filled with knock-off plastic scoobies:

    17. This overly sweet selection of chapsticks:

    18. The smell of these exact vitamins:

    19. And, of course, the roll of bubblegum that smelled like sugar and friendship: