13 Facts About Head Lice That'll Make You Want To Shave Your Head

    "The problem has scientists scratching their heads."

    1. Head lice are roughly the same size as a sesame seed.

    2. And eggs will camouflage with your natural hair pigments to match your hair colour.

    3. They crawl across your scalp using claws at the end of their legs.

    4. And feed by injecting saliva into your scalp and sucking the blood out.

    5. Lice can nest in your eyebrows and eyelashes as well as your head hair.

    6. Head lice have been around for a really long time. Even mummies had them.

    7. Your head is itching primarily because you are allergic to the louse's bites.

    8. And head lice can survive under water for several hours.

    9. The eggs are commonly referred to as "nits" and a louse can lay up to 10 eggs per day.

    10. An infested person has approximately 10-15 lice on their head at any time.

    If you brush your hair regularly you are likely to have fewer lice.

    11. The eggs are attached to your head with a glue-like substance.

    12. Head lice are most active in the dark.

    13. And research shows that lice are starting to develop resistance to medical treatments.

    If you don't treat head lice immediately, you might end up like this...

    Happy scratching!