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11 Things Only Moms Of Small Children Understand

Time is precious! Whether it's an afternoon at the grandparents' house or it's time to cook dinner, now it's easier to bring playtime almost anywhere. Find Play Stow Go products at Toys “R” Us.

1. First of all: ABS (Always Bring Snacks)...

2. ...because you know you can never underestimate the power of a well-timed snack.

3. And when it comes to meltdowns, distraction is key. Logic will fail, so always be prepared for distraction.

4. The new norm is 45 minutes to get out of the house for a 15-minute trip.

5. And you're always worried about remembering the training diapers, regular diapers (in two different sizes, of course), undies, wipes, and a change of clothes (for you and them!)...

6. You have at least 20 pacifiers but can never find one when you need one.

7. You know that it's important to take your kids for some kind of adventure before naptime.

8. Often, a three-minute shower can feel like a three-day vacation.

9. You're willing to do anything to get them to sleep.

10. And staying out late now means 8 p.m.

11. And now know that it's possible to love someone so much that even their drool smells good to you.

Whether it's an afternoon at the grandparents' house or it's time to cook dinner, now it's easier to bring playtime almost anywhere. Find Play Stow Go products at Toys “R” Us.