People Are Sharing The Small (But Incredibly Useful) Tips That Improved Their Cooking, And They're Worth Memorizing

    These are seriously useful.

    Cooking can be intimidating, but if you practice and learn new techniques, it can also be a ton of fun. So people from r/cooking are sharing beginner tips that will help improve your cooking and help you feel more comfortable in the kitchen. Here's some advice to get you started!

    1. To make chicken breasts cook evenly, slice and pound them first.

    Cooking chicken breasts in a cast iron skillet.

    2. Making flatbread from scratch is not complicated and only requires three ingredients: flour, salt, and water.

    Making pizza from flatbread.

    3. Always keep some basics, canned items, non-perishables, and frozen food on hand.

    The author's pantry

    4. When it comes to adding spices to your cooking, the order matters.

    A woman sprinkling cilantro into a pot.

    5. A properly seasoned cast iron skillet is a kitchen game-changer that you can use to cook anything, even eggs.

    Cleaning a cast iron skillet

    6. Season to taste, not to what the recipe says.

    Someone adding seasoning to a pot of chicken soup.

    7. If you're using a slow cooker or Instant Pot, opt for cheaper cuts of meat.

    Shredded chicken in a slow cooker.

    8. Cook vegetables in starchy pasta water for a perfect one-pot meal.

    A skillet of penne and broccoli.

    9. Coat baked goods with granulated sugar instead of flour.

    Cookies topped with sugar

    10. Always de-glaze your pan.

    A deglazed pan

    11. Food continues to cook even when you remove it from a heat source.

    Scrambled eggs

    12. Learn to match flavors.

    Pouring red wine into a pot of goulash.

    13. More ingredients doesn't always mean more delicious.

    Spaghetti with pesto and cheese.

    14. If a dish tastes bland, don't just assume it needs more salt.

    Squeezing lemon into a bowl of arugula.

    15. Instead of kneading bread, let it rise at room temperature.

    Focaccia with sun dried tomatoes and herbs.

    16. If you're cooking pasta, boil it until al dente and let it finish cooking in the sauce.

    Placing fettuccine into a pan of cream sauce.

    17. Focus on a few high quality ingredients.

    Making tomato sauce on the stovetop.

    18. Keep your leftover pickle brine and put it to use.

    Black and green olives in brine.

    19. Use oven-roasted cherry tomatoes to elevate tons of dishes.

    Roasted cherry tomatoes.

    20. Cooking is like a science, and the best dishes follow a simple formula.

    A skillet of butter chicken.

    21. Taste as you go and make adjustments accordingly.

    Sautéd mushrooms in a skillet.

    22. If you're following an online recipe, read the comments first.

    A woman reading an online recipe.

    23. Your sense of smell and taste are connected, so let your nose guide you.

    A woman sprinkling herbs into soup.

    24. Three words: Mise en place.

    Mise en place omelette ingredients.

    25. Keep broth on hand and cook with it often.

    Broth in a ladle.

    26. When it comes to herbs, fresh is best.

    Two pieces of salmon with fresh thyme.

    27. Never over-crowd the pan.

    Giant prawns in a cast iron skillet.

    Do you have a cooking tip that has helped you become more comfortable and better skilled in the kitchen? Tell us in the comments below.