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17 Olympic Gymnasts From 1908 Who Will Make You Say "Yeah, I Could Probably Do That"

You probably would have made the 1908 Olympic squad. Maybe.

1. Yeah, I could probably do that.

2. Yeah OK, I have two friends and I feel like we could pull this off.

3. Yeah, we could do this one too probably, 'cause my two most flexible friends could go on the ends and stick their legs out and I could just be the one standing in the middle.

4. After, like, a week's practice and a couple of beers I could probably do this.

5. Pretty sure I did this on the train this morning 'cause someone had a suitcase and it was crowded and I had to get off.

6. I have done this to get into bed at the end of a long day, and I could do it again in front of millions of viewers, probably.

7. Yeah, I could do this, I could do this right fucking now, just watch me.

8. If I did enough stretching beforehand I feel like I could do this.

9. Me and my girls could totally do this.

10. Then we would do this, and we would fucking smash it.

11. I mean, this is what we do when we hang out anyway.

12. Gold medals for all of us!

13. Yeah, my guy friends could do this.

14. And this. They would just kind of lean on each other, it would be totally fine.

15. This would be fine.

16. This would be fine.

17. OK actually this one would probably kill me.

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