15 Common Misconceptions That Have Left Me Questioning Everything I Know

    Wait, Napoleon wasn't short?!

    1. The colour red doesn't make bulls angry.

    2. The Bible doesn't state that the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate was an apple.

    3. For cowboys, the bowler hat– not the Stetson – was the original headgear of choice.

    4. Napolean wasn't short.

    5. “Ye," – as in, ye olde – is actually just pronounced “the.”

    6. Fortune cookies are rarely eaten in China.

    7. Swallowed chewing gum doesn't stay in your system for seven years.

    8. "Eidelweiss" isn't the Austrian national anthem.

    9. You can't see the Great Wall of China from outer space.

    10. Bats aren't blind.

    11. And Goldfish's memory can last months.

    12. Stretching doesn't prevent muscle soreness.

    13. Macs aren't immune to viruses.

    14. Marie Antoinette never uttered the words: "let them eat cake."

    15. Having sex before playing sport doesn't negatively impact performance.

    What one shocked you the most? Tell us in the comments!