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11 Things That Will Save You Money When Moving Home

Banking with the Halifax means we try to make everything extra easy, like we wish moving was.

1. Sort out what you don't need early on.

2. If what you don't need is still useful, try to sell it online.

3. And if you can't sell it, just give it away.

4. If you need self storage, don't just pick the most convenient.

5. When using removal firms, book early and on a weekday.

6. Call in a few favours.

7. Don't waste money on boxes!

8. Take advantage of freecycling.

9. And remember to compare quotes – on anything and everything.

10. Think ahead before speaking to utilities suppliers.

11. Stick to buying only what you absolutely need.

Looking for more ways to simplify your life? The Halifax makes banking extra easy.