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    10 Reasons You Should Vote For Joey Dorion For A&S Senate

    Joey Dorion will bring a little California sunshine to the A&S Senate. Also, he has some ideas. Here they are.

    1. Filtered water fountains in the dorms.

    2. Better printer availability (i.e., printers in the dorms).

    3. Improve the housing situation with a more straightforward and fair selection process.

    4. A master BC calendar—with club, social, and sporting events—available to all students.

    5. Link Charlie cards to our BC accounts, because figuring out the T can be a bigger struggle than missing the Newton bus.

    6. Town-hall style meetings at least once a month with A&S deans and professors.

    7. More social activities (Coffee House, Game Week, Fundraising activities, and anything else you guys would want!) for the student body as a whole.

    8. More academic advisors so we get better guidance and professors don't get overwhelmed by advising too many students each.

    9. Kaleidoscope Week: a week during which BC students can celebrate the diversity that is present on campus.

    10. Joey is the guy who wears an eagle suit to every sporting event without fail.

    Vote Joey Dorion, and thanks for reading!