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10 Pizza Jokes You Need In Your Life

These are VERY cheesy. And so are Newman's Own incredible frozen pizzas. AND they're ready in 10 minutes — c'mon, you can't say no to that.

1. What's your dog's favorite kind of pizza?

2. How do you know if you're in love?

3. What does a pizza say when it wants to cuddle?

4. What did the boss say to his pizza during their meeting?

5. What does a pizza say when it introduces itself to you?

6. What did the parmesan say when it broke up with mozzarella?

7. What does an anteater like on its pizza?

8. What type of person doesn't love pizza?

9. What did the pizza ask its toppings?

10. What did the pizza say when it asked the topping out on a date?

Sorry, we know how CHEESY these jokes are.

Pick up some Newman's Own frozen pizza. It's ready in just 10 minutes. And no, we're not joking!