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    The 22 Most Awkward Moments Of Having The “What Are We?” Talk

    Erm, we need to talk…

    1. You've lost all hope of ever finding love, and you're just like, "Urgh, f%$*k it."

    2. But you swiped right, and yup, guess what…

    3. Aaaaaaaand before you know it you've been hooking up for 3 months.

    4. The dreaded grey area. Are you just hooking up or are casually dating?

    5. You make the mistake of asking your married friend for advice.

    6. And decide it's time for the "are we exclusive" talk.

    7. The time spent debating whether or not you should go through with it.

    8. But now you're bored at work, you've seen two engagement announcements on your Facebook feed and decide to bring up the topic over Gchat.

    9. You quickly realize that is a terrible idea.

    10. On your date you try to act casual as you attempt to initiate the conversation.

    11. And you announce that you want to have a "talk", sounding waaay more official than intended.

    12. The awkwardness of saying the word "boyfriend" and "girlfriend".

    13. Congratulations. He is freaked out.

    14. Yup. It's all getting pretty awkward…

    15. Maybe some drinks to defuse the tension?

    16. Word vomit.

    17. Now you actually have to wait for the person to respond.

    18. But he says he will call you tomorrow.

    19. And tries to say goodbye with a handshake.

    20. You call your best friend.

    21. Besides, it's better just going home alone, right?

    22. Let's just face it. Dating is hard.