19 Pictures That Will Make You Go "Me"

    Literally these are you.

    1. When you want to show off for your crush.

    2. When Mom says you're out of fruit snacks.

    3. When you hear someone talking about you.

    4. When you're outside and it's windy as hell.

    5. When you're just hanging out waiting for death.

    6. When you're in public but you don't want anyone to talk to you.

    7. When someone tells you to "act cool."

    8. When you get a short haircut and realize your head is huge.

    9. When you're listening to someone's boring story.

    10. When you're on vacation with your friends.

    11. When you're wondering if you'll ever find true love.

    12. When you're on a fun shopping trip.

    13. When you realize every year you live through the future anniversary of your death and never even know it.

    14. When you're driving to work and dealing with an inner conflict.

    15. When you're rebelling from your parents.

    16. When you've had too much to eat and you don't want anyone to see you vomit.

    17. When you have a really good comeback.

    18. When you're heading to your big meeting.

    19. When your friends find out you have a pack of gum.