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17 Times The Villagers In Animal Crossing Were The Most Honest Version Of You

Extremely me!!! Download Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp on Google Play to play Animal Crossing on the go.

1. The villagers in Animal Crossing are basically the most honest version of yourself that you wish you could be...

2. Like you, they get hangry...

3. And believe that avocado toast is more important than a house.

4. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could ask people for whatever you wanted? (Even if it was RIGHT in front of you...)

5. And be as shady as you wanted to be? 💅

6. Here's some situations where the villagers would have the most *perfect* responses...

7. When you're meeting someone new and have nothing to say:

8. How you feel after completely roasting everyone at family game night:

9. When sales clerks won't stop bothering you, even though you totally said, "I'm good, thanks!"

10. When you fib a little on your resume, and you have to explain yourself in an interview:

11. When you meet someone new and they follow you on ALL your social media accounts:

12. How you feel when you tell your waiter that what you ordered was completely different than what you got:

13. When you really want to buy something, but the price tag is way out of your budget:

14. What you want to put in your dating profile for "qualities of a good partner":

15. When you're really just going for it on a first date:

16. On your, like, fifth date with someone, when you finally feel comfortable to share some of your quirks:

17. Villagers, keep being sassy, hilarious, and authentically you!

All images from Nintendo.

Download Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp on Google Play so you can continue these hilarious conversations with campers.