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    The 5 Stages Of A Great Night Out

    From make-up to meltdown take a look at the 5 stages of a great night out. The good, the bad and the "I’m never drinking again!”

    Getting Ready

    Good - It's a perfect hair day. One flick of the make-up brush and you're good to go.

    Bad - No matter what you do, you seem to end up looking like Cruella Deville.


    Good - Elegantly sipping classy cocktails you just know it's going to be a great night.

    Bad - Just what the hell are they serving in here?

    Hitting the Dance Floor

    Good - Tonight you are a dancing queen supreme!

    Bad - Once again it feels like you've been given the wrong limbs... and they're attached upside down.


    Good - It's been nothing but laughs all night long. Life is gooooood.

    Bad - Totally self conscious that you're looking like a hyena. And where did that snort come from???

    The Aftermath

    Good - A great night was had by all. Here's to the next big night out!

    Bad - I'm never... Drinking... Again!