19 Things Anyone Who's Best Friends With Their Mum As An Adult Will Understand

    Mums are the exception to the "don't tell anyone" rule.

    1. Mums are usually the ones you're not afraid to ask stupid questions in front of.

    2. And you can call your mum for whatever, whenever.

    3. Your mum inevitably has a way comfier bed than you do and has no problem with you climbing in at your leisure.

    4. You'll always have a personal cheerleader in your mum.

    Mums show their love through random texts, tasty snacks, and liking all your pictures on social media.

    5. Your mum is the exception to the "don't tell anyone" rule.

    6. Because mums are the best secret-keepers on this planet.

    7. And your minds are regularly in sync.

    8. Mums give great advice because they somehow always know the right thing to say.

    Even if the advice is contrary to what they did when they were younger, mums have some invaluable knowledge that you're always better off for hearing.

    9. And when it comes to dating, you can expect nothing but the truth.

    10. Your mum will defend you in a way that was kind of embarrassing when you were a child, but everything now.

    11. You can complain to your mum until the cows come home about any of your friends without ever feeling like a bitch.

    12. And mums are the best at gossiping.

    13. Mums are the best people to go shopping with because you know you'll get an honest opinion.

    14. And they're the best people to take cute pictures with.

    Who can really resist a picture of two people who look alike?

    15. Mums have a very ~unique~ sense of humour that you can't help but laugh at.

    One good reason why Mom is my best friend on snapchat. 🙂

    16. There's no need to worry about the state of your love life because your mum has got that covered.

    my mom is my best friend, bc this text is not even abnormal #igotitfrommymomma

    Sure, the constant questions about your relationship status may be annoying, but she does it because she cares.

    17. Your mum can even be more fun than your friends sometimes.

    18. Your mum knows you better than you know yourself.

    My mum can read minds I'm telling you

    19. And you don't have to talk all the time to know she's always there.