21 Pictures That Prove Beauty Standards For Women Are Out Of Control

    Who could possibly live up to this?

    1. Hey there! Are you a woman?

    Yet another unrealistic beauty standard for women

    2. Are you looking for some inspiration as to how to look better?

    yet another unrealistic beauty standard for women

    3. Wanna know how to really work them legs (by literally only being a pair of legs)?

    Yet another unrealistic beauty standard I can never achieve.

    4. Or accentuate your best asset?

    yet ANOTHER unrealistic beauty/body standard 👎🏼

    5. Well, look no further, butthead, we've got you!

    Yet another unrealistic body expectation for women.

    6. One of the simplest ways to save money on makeup is to remove half your head.

    UGH yet another unrealistic beauty standard for women

    7. Or just get rid of your entire head. Exposed necks are in!

    Yet another unrealistic body expectation for women

    8. Long limbs are all the rage, so find ways to elongate them.

    Ma’am... that’s a bit problematic

    9. Make 'em niiiiiiice and loooooong.

    10. Go fucking crazy with the length of those limbs, girl!

    can anyone link me to this jacket pls?

    11. And then, when you're done, make 'em wooden.

    Ugh! I'll never have arms like that. Yet another unrealistic beauty standard.

    Just trust me.

    12. Knuckles are gross, so get rid of those. Ew.

    Did they actually photoshop out her thumb knuckle? Yet another unrealistic expectation for women's bodies

    13. Your lips are a very important part of your face, so make them POP.

    14. And make sure you wear something that really brings out your eyes.

    15. Have you tried not being a woman and being a dog instead?

    16. Or this kind of intimidating (but also weirdly fashionable) cat?

    17. What about a rat? Rats are cute!

    18. Are you sure you're not just a giant hand in some lingerie?

    Yet another unrealistic body standard for women

    19. Or some freaky voodoo doll?

    yet another unrealistic beauty standard for women smfh

    Voodoo dolls need love too!

    20. Well, if you still feel like something's missing...

    Yet another unrealistic body standard being used in shops when will they stop 😤😤

    21. Just become the Demogorgon from Stranger Things and call it a day.

    Yet another unrealistic beauty expectation levied upon us by the oppressive patriarchy...

    That'll show your haters what's what.