23 Perfect Things For Anyone Who Fucking Loves Stationery And Swearing

    Get your very own shit list.

    1. This bloody good notebook:

    2. These adorably rude stamps:

    Stamp, £7.90.

    3. This pencil set that doesn't give a single fuck:

    4. And this book to keep all your precious swear words in:

    5. These Harry Potter–inspired profanity pencils:

    6. This potty-mouthed grocery list pad:

    7. This fucking awesome word confetti:

    8. This list to help get your shit together:

    9. These flipping remarkable stickers:

    10. These badass paperclips:

    Paperclip, £2.35.

    11. This clever f-bomb paperweight:

    12. These NSFW sticky notes:

    13. And a very different kind of shit list:

    14. This sweary planner band:

    15. And these brilliantly vulgar stickers:

    16. These wonderfully honest gift tags:

    17. This pen for the fuck-free:

    18. This glorious reminder:

    Letterpress cards, £12.25.

    19. And this even better one:

    20. These open and honest notecards:

    21. This calendar to remind you of all your crap:

    22. This fucking awesome notepad paper:

    23. And this beautifully embossed card: