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15 Delightful Animals You Should Start A Band With

These pawesome musicians are ready to rock. Forming a band with your favorite furry friend is just as delightful as GEICO customer service!

1. Dog Grohl

2. Grizzly Gillespie

3. Ludpug van Beethoven

4. Louis Hamstrong and His Orchestra

5. Phil Collars (Drummer and Vocalist for the Popular Group Genehiss)

6. Wynton Marsquirrelis

7. Housecat Stevens

8. Sloth Martin (Famous Actor and Musician)

9. Stevie Licks (from Fleetwood Cat)

10. Enrique Igleshiba-Inu

11. Dachshund Dre

12. Squirrely Ray Vaughan

13. Carter Pawford (of Dave Cathews Band)

14. The Poodle Brothers

15. Elephunkmaster Flex

Just remember, camels only really want to perform on Wednesday.

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