27 Things You Didn't Know About "The Dark Knight"

    Trivial tidbits about the prelude to "The Dark Knight Rises." If you're into arbitrary nerd analogies, it's sort of "The Empire Strikes Back" of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy.

    1. The 40 Year Old Virgin Wanted To Be The Joker

    2. Katie Holmes Broke Up With Batman

    3. Scream Journal

    4. Citizen Wayne

    5. Senator Batman

    6. The Hulk, Wolverine And Sabretooth Were Almost Two-Face

    7. Kaboom

    8. Batman And (Almost) Robin

    9. BATMAX

    10. Oops

    11. Bat Manuel Begins

    12. Hong Kong Spewey

    13. Directed By Heath Ledger

    14. Two-Face Is Bobby Kennedy

    15. A.K.A.

    16. Buffy Was Almost Rachel

    17. The Joker Is A Sex Pistol And A Droog

    18. Batsuit 2.0

    19. The Joker's Costume Is Iggy Pop/Vivienne Westwood Chic

    20. Spawn Vs. The Joker

    21. Drugstore Joker

    22. A Long Movie

    23. Batman Is A Great Place To Visit, Not So Much To Live

    24. Tony Soprano Vs. Batman

    25. Nurse Matilda

    26. The News Reporter Is Rusty Griswold

    27. Immortal Performance