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24 Photos Of Olympic Fans Who Deserve A Gold Fucking Medal

We get it, your country is No. 1.

1. These star-spangled guys who literally poop red, white, and blue.

2. This lady who loved Japan's flag so much she became one.

3. These two who are clearly rooting for the wrong team.

4. Of course, this sexy trio of ladies.

5. And this crew of Pikachus who totally deserve a gold medal.

6. This mischievous-looking Dorothy posting up at the Olympic Golf course.

7. This brave man shading under a bullseye at the archery event.

8. Someone give this guy a gold for dad of the year!

9. This Team Japan fanatic who maybe let football go to his head.

10. How could we forget this man's epic Christ the Redeemer headgear?

11. Or this strange crew of Brazilian Teletubbies?

12. This bald fucking eagle.

13. "A" for effort awarded to this guy's Brazilian face paint...

Here's what the real deal looks like, in case you're wondering...

14. This stallion who came out to support his equestrian buddies.

15. This dude and his awesome homemade Usain Bolt figurine.

16. The entire army of Union Jack war paint at every. single. Olympic. event.

17. These dudes rocking the ultimate expression of American patriotism — mullets!

18. This French fanatic who went totally apeshit.

19. This guy who isn't going to let a few broken bones ruin his Olympic fun.

20. These Brazilians who are absolutely OK with Brazil's medal count.

21. These French rooster heads clucking their national pride.

22. This Brazilian bag-head looking a bit distraught after a loss :(

23. This guy's super impressive Sweden vs. Colombia face paint.

24. And this guy's insane Olympic camouflage and creepy matching doll.