14 Moments Of Pure Bliss You'll Only Recognize If You Live Alone

    Being able to take anyone you want home with you, without anyone asking you if you're dating or if you've known each other for a long time.

    1. The satisfaction you get after making some badly needed change to your home, like getting a new lamp.

    2. Finding a great sale on toilet paper and then going months without having to worry about buying more.

    3. Finally getting your very own water filter, and no longer having to depend on expensive, environmentally irresponsible disposable water bottles (which your roommates would just steal anyway...).

    4. Coming home really drunk and finding last night's leftovers in the fridge, just as you left them.

    5. And on that note, just generally knowing that nobody is going to move your stuff around and that everything is going to stay exactly where you left it.

    6. Skipping a meal of grown-up food for popcorn or any other kind of junk food, without being judged by anyone else.

    7. Finding a sale, any sale, at the supermarket.

    8. Learning how to do something that you had always dismissed as impossible, like drilling a hole in the wall to mount a picture frame or changing the resistance of the shower head.

    9. Getting buck naked and taking a leisurely stroll around the house.

    10. Being able to take anyone you want home with you, without anyone asking you if you're dating or if you've known each other for a long time.

    11. Purchases that used to seem mundane, like a squeegee or a new toilet seat, now make you so happy.

    12. Doing whatever you want in the early morning without anyone complaining.

    13. Knowing that nobody's going to steal that tasty little snack you bought just for yourself.

    14. Coming home on a day when you just want to be by yourself, and actually being able to do so.

    This post was translated from Portuguese.