28 Times Tumblr Summed Up Living In Britain

    What happens when three polite drivers all arrive at a mini-roundabout at exactly the same time?

    1. When it captured how we will have a BBQ every bank holiday no matter what.

    2. When it perfectly explained our Eurovision philosophy.

    3. And our political climate.

    Like the Lib Dems, our glory days are behind us.

    4. When it showed us that it is possible to change your mind on immigration issues.

    5. When it showed that even our police have a sense of humour.

    6. And even our snacks have good chat.

    7. When it showed us what the pinnacle of British culture really is.

    Mr. Chips is truly one of our great TV personalities.

    8. When it realised that our weather isn't always just rain.

    Sometimes litter seems to fall from the sky too!

    9. When it summed up what the Americans have done to our glorious language.

    10. When it made us realise exactly why it's so difficult to get dressed every day.

    You can't always rely on it being grey with sporadic showers.

    11. When it showed us that our society has moved on, and not always for the better.

    R.I.P the 10p Freddo.

    12. When it showed us that we hold nothing truly sacred.

    13. When it reminded us of this all too common mistake.

    Usually made around the end of April.

    14. When it captured one of the true struggles of modern life.

    15. When it showed us that we are a nation of opportunists.

    Presented with some bargain crumpets, we all would have done the same.

    16. When it showed us how even when absolutely battered, we uphold our manners.

    17. Because being overly polite is just the way we work.

    18. When it showed us that we really can believe that it's not actually butter.

    Because we're not idiots and we understand margarine.

    19. When it showed us that we love a pun.

    The more it makes you cringe the better.

    20. When it showed us the lengths we will go to to avoid human contact.

    21. When it showed us that our society is fragile and could potentially collapse at any moment.

    22. When it reminded us that at least we're not as dumb as some people.

    23. When it summed up every British person's relationship goals.


    24. And every British person's biggest deal breaker.

    25. When it reminded us that some of our institutions are truly unbreakable.

    26. When it showed us that for some things the British will stop at nothing.

    27. When it showed us why we haven't achieved more in life.

    28. And presented us with our worst nightmare.