19 Things Every Office Worker Has Done, But Won't Admit To

    You definitely stay late to work, and not because the Wi-Fi is so much better.

    1. Lying every Monday morning when someone asks you, "How was your weekend?"

    2. Bringing in a healthy salad for lunch, and then going to buy a burger instead.

    3. Taking a piece of birthday cake from someone whose name you don't know.

    4. Signing a card with no idea who or what it's for.

    5. Using your work email to tell people some really scandalous gossip.

    6. And then being really panicky that you accidentally sent it to your boss.

    7. Confusing the "reply" and the "reply all" buttons.

    8. Having days where it feels like you've done more procrastinating than actual work.

    9. When you stay late and you're the last in the office, having a little dance just because you can.

    10. Having an office crush.

    11. Staying in the office five minutes later just because you didn't want to share a lift with that co-worker you don't know that well.

    12. Getting angry at a co-worker for something that you've definitely done yourself.

    13. Accidentally getting too drunk at after-work drinks.

    14. And then seriously regretting it the next day.

    15. Getting seriously mad at an inanimate object.

    16. Secretly researching holidays when you should be working.

    17. Constantly either snacking or thinking about snacking.

    18. Going to a pointless meeting just to have a break from work.

    19. Nearly overdosing on caffeine most days.