16 Demoralising Stages Of A British Summer

    Spoiler: It is usually too hot or too cold.

    1. That one weird hot week in May.

    2. And then it gets cold again, and two months of excessively mild weather follows.

    3. Then in late July there is a heatwave!

    4. For a few days you get into the swing of it. You can have Pimm's!

    5. And then you run out of work-appropriate hot-weather clothing.

    6. And the news is all "GUYS, IT IS HOT OUTSIDE!"

    7. And you're like "I KNOW, I HAVEN'T SLEPT PROPERLY IN 10 DAYS!"

    8. You decide you hate summer and that it's very unpractical.

    9. Embarrassing sunburn is everywhere.

    10. A hosepipe ban is the final straw.

    11. Then suddenly, as you’re looking sadly at your wilting geraniums, RAIN STORM.

    12. And the news is all "DO YOU KNOW IT'S RAINING?!"

    13. Then the dramatic interesting rain is over, and another month of mild begins.

    14. Retailers take advantage of the seasonal purchases.

    15. Just as you are beginning to pack away that one work-appropriate hot-weather outfit for another year, BAM, one weird hot week in September.

    16. Then suddenly it’s October and you can wear a coat again, like you will for the next seven months.

    Bye summer! See you next year!