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8 Animals You Don't Want To F*ck With

Humans, we've had our time. It's time to surrender to the purple frog.

The Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years and a lot of stuff has changed since its awkward early phase.

Modern humans as we know them today have only been around for 200,000 years.

We are total newbies in the playground of Earth.

Other species are all...

These species think they've waited long enough to be the dominant species round here:

1. Elephant sharks may look friendly, but don't let that fool you. They're just playing the long game.

They're not even sharks, we just use the term shark because it's badass (and they are pretty much what ancestors of sharks were like).

2. Nautiluses haven't bothered to evolve much for 500 million years. They've had their minds on other things, like fucking you up.

Look at it, not even caring a little bit about that bump.

3. This eel has been around about 200 million years, but we only managed to actually find it in 2011.

4. The horseshoe crab has been around for 450 million years and now it is declaring war*.

5. OK, so coelacanths have probably only been around in their modern form for 80 million years; horseshoe crabs give them a hard time for it, but they're sneaky little fishies.

6. The purple frog has been thinking about a frog-based revolution for at least 130 million years.

7. The platypuses have been doing their own thing for 167 million years, and now they want some of what we have.

8. Stromatolites may just look like rocks, but that's what they want you to think!

To sum up, we're the cocky new kid on the block who hasn't even survived one mass extinction, and these guys know what's what around here.

One day these species will rise. Maybe after the next mass extinction it will finally be the time for the purple frog. 🐸✊