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5 Greatest UFO Sightings Of 2014

2014 has proven to be another busy year full of apparent UFO sightings and alien abductions, but are they really visiting? Make your own mind up with these most important sightings this year... If you have a passion for UFOlogy, check out the new horror film inspired by the UK's world famous UFO landing of 1980, The Rendlesham UFO Incident, Visit here for all the info on this creepy new film...

Fetch 9 years ago

8 Minds That Changed The Web Forever!

We love the internet...maybe even more than cats. Here are some of the 7 greatest people that have made online what it is today. Of course, there's so many more - this is just the tip of iceberg...

Fetch 9 years ago

5 Reasons Why Jean-Claude Van Damme Is So God-Damme Awesome!

Jean-Claude Van Damme. Nicknamed 'The Muscles From Brussels' and the star of over 50 action films, there's no denying that Mr Van Damme is one of the greatest action stars of all time. But what makes him so awesome? Here's 5 reasons why we love JCVD!

Fetch 9 years ago