16 Kids Who Did Their Very Best

    A for effort.

    1. This kid who was technically correct:

    2. And this kid who gave the most honest answer:

    3. This kid who showcased their creativity:

    4. This kid who followed exact directions:

    5. This kid whose explanation fits:

    6. This kid who was probably looking for a different word:

    7. This kid who gave explaining their "penny" collection a good shot:

    8. This girl who knows her fears:

    9. This kid who knows the unofficial rules of the road:

    10. This kid who has very strong opinions about Tony:

    11. This kid who used deductive reasoning:

    12. This kid who tried his best:

    13. This kid who just...tried:

    14. This kid who was so close:

    15. This kid who thought to go straight to the source:

    16. And finally, this kid who technically got it correct: