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Book Lovers On Instagram Vs. Reality

Don't judge an Instagram by its filter.

1. How your nightstand looks on Instagram:

How your nightstand actually looks:

2. What your bookshelves look like on Instagram:

What your bookshelves look like in real life:

3. What your reading space looks like on Instagram:

Where you actually end up reading:

4. What it looks like when you read outside on Instagram:

What it looks like when you "read outside" in real life:

5. How many books you've read recently, according to Instagram:

How far along you've read in reality:

6. Snapping a flawless ~aesthetic~ picture for Instagram:

The actual number of times it took you to get the flawless ~aesthetic~:

7. What it looks like when you see a movie adaptation on Instagram:

What it actually looks like at the premiere:

8. What your family vacation looks like on Instagram:

What your family vacation actually looks like:

9. What your bookmarks look like on Instagram:

What you actually wind up using as a bookmark:

10. What it looks like when you read with your pets on Instagram:

What it actually looks like when you read with your pets: