23 Cheap And Easy Tricks Every Gardener Should Know

    Plant that cash back in your wallet.

    1. Make your own garden markers using stones you found outside.

    2. Or use plastic forks you have laying around.

    3. Soak your seeds in warm water 24 hours before sowing.

    4. Make your own self-cleaning & self-sharpening garden tool holder.

    5. Use coffee grounds to keep pests far away from your precious plants.

    6. Make your own ~environmentally friendly~ soap oil spray.

    7. Make an herb garden out of that random little wooden box you bought at the flea market.

    8. Lay diapers in your pots to keep the soil moist for days.

    9. DIY a bird bath.

    You only need three things: a plant stand, a water tray from a large planter, and a fern. Check out the tutorial here.

    10. Use an old milk jug as a makeshift watering can.

    11. Use your old boots to make a unique mounted garden.

    12. Organize unplanted seeds in the sleeves of an old photo album.

    13. Instead of throwing away eggshells, put them in your garden!

    14. Give your planter pots an easy makeover with tape and some paint.

    There's no need to buy new ones when you have this easy how-to.

    15. Use half a lemon rind to start a seedling.

    16. Use an old cardboard drink holder for starting seeds.

    17. Grow green onions from fresh ones.

    18. Use leftover wine bottles as garden edging.

    19. Make ties for your tomato plants out of an old t-shirt.

    20. Turn your rake into a measuring tape.

    21. Pop herbs in the freezer to keep them fresh longer.

    22. Use toilet paper to make seed tape.

    23. Use leftover beer from your party to kill slugs.