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29 Pics That'll Make Lifeguards Laugh Harder Than They Should


1. When you've said "NO RUNNING" more times than you've said your own name:

2. When you pray for rain:

When you've been branded:

3. When it's not exactly as glamorous as TV makes it seem:

4. When you are astounded by what some patrons will do:

5. When keeping kids alive is 98% of your job:

6. When someone asks you to turn up the temperature in the main pool:

7. When the break room fridge is fully stocked:

8. When the veteran patrons get a little too comfortable:

9. When you've got to earn your keep:

10. When you've got to make your own fun:

11. When no amount of showering can rinse the chemicals off your skin:

12. When there's 10 minutes to close and a patron hops into the lap pool:

13. When the creeps have no idea what's about to hit them:

14. When a traditional 9-to-5 seems like a vacation:

15. When kids are practicing the Dead Man Float and you're ready to jump:

16. When more sun means more patrons:

17. When you're already in the chair and you can barely see:

18. When patrons don't understand what 30 minutes means:

19. When people are like, "You're a lifeguard? You're going to have the best tan!":

20. When you're wishing the hours away:

21. When a kid has an accident in the pool and you make minimum wage:

22. When the parents of the birthday party don't offer you the leftover pizza:

23. When you get bored during training:

24. When it's the 4th of July:

25. When a thunderstorm makes your whole day:

26. When a kid skins his knee on the deck after you warned him to slow down 30 times:

27. When you can't hide from the sun:

28. When you try to save someone and they say they weren't drowning:

29. And when people think your job is just lounging in the sun all day: