24 Gifs That Are Better When You're High

    Please smoke responsibly.

    1. A baseball being crushed by a hydraulic press:

    2. A controlled fire-tornado:

    3. Magnets aligning:

    4. A spider crab molting its shell:

    5. The life cycle of a giant bubble:

    6. A dog drinking water in slow motion:

    7. A time lapse of a day in arctic summer, when the sun never completely sets:

    8. A pitcher's arm while throwing a breaking ball:

    9. A time lapse of fans leaving Wembley stadium:

    10. A mimic octopus blending in with its surroundings:

    11. A time lapse of braces straightening teeth:

    12. An illustration of how a key opens a lock:

    13. A drag racer's tire:

    14. A straight pole passing through a curved opening:

    15. A time lapse of a pinecone blooming:

    16. The demolition of a railroad bridge:

    17. A storm upending a tree:

    18. The underside of an ocean wave:

    19. An orange peel interacting with an open flame:

    20. An uncommon view of a giraffe:

    21. A ship displacing water:

    22. The constant zooming on a street in New York:

    23. Jet-skiing through a canyon:

    24. And the growing patterns of this certain, special plant: