19 Better Ways To Crack Open A Beer

    Really there's no wrong way to open a cold one as long as you get to drink it after. Cheers to creativity!

    1. On your motorcycle.

    2. WITH your motorcycle.

    3. Like a soccer star.

    Warning: may require amazing skillzzz.

    4. With a frisbee.

    5. When there's little time to spare.

    6. When there's no time to spare.

    7. With your fist.

    Step one: become awesome. Step two: punch your beer open.

    8. Like a lumberjack.

    What were you using your chainsaw for? TREES?

    9. With your toothbrush.

    It's the most important step in your daily hygiene regimen.

    10. With your feet.


    11. With your teeth.

    12. Like Happy Gilmore.

    More like Happy Drinkmore, am I right?

    13. With a little help from your homeboy.

    ~ExTrEmE dRiNkInG~

    14. Or your number one fan.

    15. With heavy machinery.

    After a long day's work, of course.

    16. With your eye.

    17. Use your skateboard, dude.

    18. Apparently any body part, if it's a twist top.

    But your hand is probably your best bet.

    19. With a frickin' ROCKET.