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    30 Little Life Lessons I’ve Learned As I Turn 30

    **imparts wisdom unto the world**

    1. Stop hesitating and overthinking things.

    You know that thing you keep thinking of doing? And then thinking about some more? And then debating whether it’s a good idea or not, and then thinking about it some more? Just do it. Stop hesitating, stop overthinking, and just freaking do it!

    2. Just say it.

    Don’t be afraid to tell someone how you feel. And even if you are afraid, do it anyway.

    3. Travel. Travel. Travel.

    Even if you think it’s not in your budget, or you shouldn’t take the time off work, just travel. Go somewhere new. Explore the world. See things you’ve never seen.

    4. Use your time off!

    Take that vacation. Take a personal day. Give yourself a long weekend.

    5. Live in another country.

    Or spend at least a couple of weeks traveling. You learn so much about the world and people and life.

    6. Save your money.

    Yeah, that cactus statue from HomeGoods is cute and everything, and that candle smells delicious af, but do you really need it?

    7. You are not your stuff.

    Stop buying things you don't need. Stop holding on to things you no longer like. Let it go! You are not your stuff! Be free!

    8. Keep it simple.

    Don’t overcomplicate things.

    9. Buy a house. Or don't. It's up to you.

    Homeownership is not mandatory, and also it’s a lot of work. But if you do want to own your home, take your time and find one that you love.

    10. Accept that there may just be no such thing as a "dream job" for you.

    Don’t worry so much about finding a job you LOVE, instead find a job you like, at least for now. The rest will work itself out.

    11. Moisturize.

    Take care of your skin, it's the only one you'll get!

    12. Spend less time on social media.

    Find a hobby. Read. Make something.

    13. Don’t be afraid to change your mind.

    Start that blog, take on that hobby, make those plans. Then change them all! Make big, bold declarations. Then change your mind and move on to your next exciting plan. Who cares.

    14. Don’t be afraid to say no.

    Enough said.

    15. You don't always need a plan.

    It’s good to have a plan, but not always necessary. Sometimes, you just need to take action. Do SOMETHING. Just one step, anything, might be a step in the right direction.

    16. Wear sunscreen.

    See #11.

    17. Communicate.

    Learn to communicate your thoughts, even if it means having to write them down first.

    18. Just exercise.

    Stop thinking about it, stop reading about it, stop waiting to find the perfect pair of workout leggings or the best gym membership. Just move your damn body.

    19. Learn to cook.

    And keep a list of your favorite go-to recipes. You’ve got this.

    20. Learn about your personality type, and embrace it.

    Also, learn about other personality types. It will help you understand people.

    21. Get a library card.

    You can read books FOR FREE!

    22. Learn.

    Learn another language, learn about history, read old books, watch historical dramas. Expand your mind and connect with the knowledge that’s all around you.

    23. Try to understand people!

    Practice empathy. Realize that most people aren’t trying to be assholes (and those that are, ignore).

    24. Don’t buy things unless you have a plan for them.

    Your home is your living space, not a storage space.

    25. Find a partner who shares your interests.

    But remember that it’s okay to have interests and passions of your own. You might be surprised at how much they grow together over time.

    26. Don't be a jerk.

    Just be nice to people.

    27. Set goals.

    No matter how small. Just start working toward them, one by one.

    28. Spend more time outside.

    Have a picnic. Walk the dog. Sit on your porch and read.

    29. Take lots of pictures.

    You’ll never regret having too many photos.

    30. Don’t listen to those lists that tell you all the things you ~must do~ before you turn 30.

    Do whatever makes you happy.