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    10 Tell-Tale Signs You're Getting Really Old

    Does this make me basic? What? #whatever (am I doing that right?)

    1. You just don't get the appeal of Snapchat.

    2. Or Twitter, really. If we're being honest.

    3. You need Urban Dictionary to look up teen slang.

    4. You've asked a younger sibling for help with technology at least once.

    5. Going back to your college campus is really weird.

    6. You've been called "sir" or "ma'am" at least once.

    7. Most cool celebrities are now younger than you.

    8. And you probably don't recognize most of them.

    9. You've officially given up shopping at stores like Forever 21.

    10. You're starting to find it hard to have conversations with people who are just a couple of years younger than you.