16 Questions People With Tattoos Are Tired Of Answering

    No, I don't want to see yours, actually.

    1. Can I touch it?

    2. Is that real?

    3. Did it hurt?!?

    4. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo on my side. Do you think that's going to hurt?

    5. What does it MEAN?! (Usually asked by a stranger in a public place.)

    6. What do you mean, "you just like it"? IT HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING, right?

    7. Wanna see mine?

    8. I really want to get my sleeve done! How much is that going to cost?

    9. So...do you have any tattoos in *private* places? ;)

    10. How long did it take?

    11. Are you an artist?

    12. Who did your tattoo — do you have his/her number?

    13. How will you ever get a JOB with those?

    OK, well...maybe not this girl.

    14. OMGz aren't you afraid of getting a disease?!?!

    15. Whoa, so you're, like, a tough chick or something, right?

    No, really.

    16. UGH, what are you gonna look like when you're 80??

    Like these badasses.