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    How To Execute The Perfect French Greeting In 5 Easy(ish) Steps

    When I first arrived in France, I tried to say hello to someone and ended up semi-making out with their ear. So I’ve decided to put together a short but practical list of things you MUST take into account when greeting someone in France with the traditional kiss-em-on-the-face technique. A beginner's guide to embracing that first step into French culture with confidence: don't blame it on the bisous.

    1. First and foremost has to be head position.

    2. Next up, the big debate: how many kisses should you give?

    3. Now to the issue of appropriate sound effects during the transaction...

    4. This leads us to the penultimate question: with whom is it necessary to perform this kissing ritual?

    5. Finally, what do you do with the rest of your body during the whole exchange?

    So there you have it, how to (or not to) greet someone in a culture-sensitive manner in France.

    Bon courage!
