9 Home Maintenance Tasks That'll Save You Money And Time

    How to prevent fires, floods, and broken appliances.

    1. Snake your dryer duct at least once a year to prevent lint buildups that can cause fires.

    2. Vacuum the condenser coils of your refrigerator to keep it running efficiently.

    3. Inspect all the trees that surround your home for damage or bending that may point to a future break.

    4. Recaulk your bathroom every few years to prevent water damage.

    5. Clean out your gutters twice a year to prevent water damage and pest infestations.

    6. Clean and clear out blockages in your dishwasher so you don't have to hire someone to fix it later.

    7. If your pipes are prone to freezing, protect them with heating cables.

    8. Check to make sure smoke alarms are working and fire extinguishers are charged so you're always prepared for the worst.

    9. And scrub down the range hood to keep your air clear and prevent a grease fire.