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    24K FTK: 10 Ways to help Elonthon Raise 24K in the next 24 hours

    Donor Drive Donor Drive Donor Drive - its where everyone registers for Elonthon, right? But you probably forgot that its also how you can get people to donate! Its quick and its all FTK!

    1. Share Donor Drive on Facebook every hour on the hour.

    2. Email ALL of your family members and family friends.

    3. Tell your friends on campus who may not want to participate to donate a few dollars.

    4. Text 5 friends who do not go to Elon and ask for a small donation.

    5. Encourage people in your organizations to donate, donate, donate!

    6. Ask your significant other’s mom for a donation.

    7. Ask your ex-boyfriend’s mom for a donation.

    8. Tell your professors and coaches how active you are with Elonthon!

    9. Didn’t you just love running into Jerry at the fax machine at your summer internship?

    10. Do you have a best friend that graduated who loved to dance FTK?

    If all else fails... do it FOR THE KIDS