This Clever Artist Makes Hilarious Collages With His Dogs

    Artist Jay Riggio has a delightful hobby he's sharing with the world!

    Jay Riggio is an immensely talented collage artist based in Brooklyn, NY.

    Here are a couple samples of his vibrant work.

    In between projects, he has picked up the hobby of making "real time" collages using his dogs, Rosie and Butters (pictured below.)

    Using paper cut-outs and holding them up to his patient subjects, he creates simple, hilarious scenes.

    From transforming his dogs into focused athletes... ambitious dancers... tired, squishy giants...'s all quite entertaining.

    But Rosie and Butters don't seem to care either way!

    See more of Jay's art here, follow him on Instagram here, and find him on Tumblr here!