17 Llamas Who Think They Are Better Than You

    And let's face it, they are.

    1. You think this llama has time for you? You're very wrong.

    2. Neither does this one.

    3. This entire gang was just talking crap about you.

    4. And any time you try to join the conversation, this guy just thinks to himself "Sounds fake, but OK."

    5. You don't see a list of "Human Facts" anywhere, do you???

    6. These two llamas have each other. They don't need you.

    7. And these ladies don't want to share their secrets.

    8. Try to start drama with these llamas. They dare you.

    "Did u say somethin?"

    9. Meanwhile, this guy doesn't even slightly care.

    10. This llama would laugh in your face if you came near.

    11. And this lady almost forgot anyone even existed outside of her perfect little world.

    12. This dude knows his duckface is better than yours.

    13. And this guy is more skilled than you at selfies in general.

    14. You both have your own sense of style, but this llama's is just better.

    15. It's kind of like, this llama knows you will never achieve his level of greatness.

    16. Llamas. They're just cooler than you, SORRY.

    17. Uhhh, BYEEE.