Look At This Adorable Dog Who Looks Like A Bear

    This is definitely a dog, right?

    This is Chowder. He is a 3-year-old chow chow who lives in the Philippines.

    Look at that face. ❤️

    A bunch of people on Instagram and Facebook noticed how much Chowder looks like a bear.

    His owner, who asked to remain anonymous, told BuzzFeed News that he is comforted by having Chowder around.

    "Chowder is a very kind and loving dog," he said. "Chow chows are sometimes considered aggressive and hard to train, but Chowder is a complete opposite of that. He likes people very much."

    "He loves being hugged by people, and won't care how much people bother him," he said.

    There are lots of cute photos of Chowder going for walks.

    But his owner said he prefers eating and sleeping.

    He constantly looks after the family as a guard dog. "He always makes sure that everyone is safe," his owner said.

    In short, Chowder is totally lovable.

    And maybe a bear...

    If you are interested in seeing Chowder more, check him out on Instagram!

    This post was translated from Japanese.