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13 Signs That Your Childhood Bedroom Is Definitely Becoming A Gym

Goodbye memories, hello family-friendly cardio. And while your folks are rewarding themselves with a new fitness center, Discover Student Loans covers up to 100% of school-certified college costs.

1. One minute, you're enjoying the beauties of college life...

2. ...then Dad asks, "You still want all those trophies?"

3. Mom? She's suddenly very pumped about fitness.

4. And they're both talking about their ideas for "this new renovation project."

5. (Even the cat photos are giving some vibes.)

6. Then you get the call.

7. "We bought that elliptical!"

8. "And everything is in boxes."

9. 😩😩😩😩😩

10. Whelp. You had a good run. πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

11. On your next visit home, you say goodbye to this:

12. And hello to whatever this is:

13. But hey! It's not all bad. You still got a pretty sweet deal.

And if you need help paying for it, Discover Student Loans covers up to 100% of school-certified college costs!

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