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12 Things That You Can Thank Ohio For Later

OH, you're welcome. Discover Ohio, and find your own reasons to be thankful for the Buckeye State.

1. Professional Baseball

2. The Birth of Aviation

3. Superman

4. Modern Day Golf Ball

From wood to boiled feathers, golf balls have been through many iterations, but the most modern form was created by Coburn Haskell in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1898.

"Rubber core golf balls? I'll believe it when I see it." —Some Ancient Golfer Dude

Originally, people were skeptical, until 1902, when one of these balls was used for 72 holes straight. Seeing IS believing. Get your Ohio golf on at one of the many courses or get a taste of golf history at The Jack Nicklaus Museum.

5. Interchangeable Eyeglasses

6. Space Exploration

7. Situational Awareness System

8. Nonstick Cookware

9. Rubber Production

10. Ambulance Service

11. Electric Traffic Signals

12. Presidential Leadership

Thank-yous just mean so much more in person. Visit Ohio, and tell her to her face. Download the New 2015 Official Ohio Travel Guide, and plan your trip today.