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11 People Who Really Hate Surprises

Ever been caught off guard? Discover card helps you avoid surprises with your credit by providing your free FICO® Credit Score on monthly statements and online. Learn more about FICO® Credit Score Terms here.

Surprises don't always make people feel happy...

1. In some cases, it's better to avoid them altogether.

2. Like this time:

3. Or this shocking banana time:

4. This little guy was just minding his own business.

5. Sometimes, surprises can be messy.

6. And overwhelming.

7. Sometimes even painful.

8. And confusing!

9. So beware.

10. Stay strong.

11. And BE KIND to those who don't like surprises.

Avoid being caught off guard. At Discover card, we’re looking out for you by providing your free FICO® Credit Score on monthly statements and online. Learn more about FICO® Credit Score Terms here.

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